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Digital wellbeing 4 Min Read
Healthcare Cybersecurity: Importance of Medical Data Protection

Healthcare Cybersecurity: Importance of Medical Data Protection

The critical need for cybersecurity in healthcare to protect sensitive patient data from growing threats like ransomware, hacking, fraud, and disruption of vital connected
03 November 2023
Digital wellbeing 4 Min Read
Enhancing Business Security: The Role of Two-Factor Authentication and Two-Step Verification

Enhancing Business Security: The Role of Two-Factor Authentication and Two-Step Verification

Two-factor authentication is now essential for business security. Learn how 2FA and two-step verification significantly improve access control, prevent account takeovers, shield reputation, enable remote work, and deliver cost
02 November 2023
Digital wellbeing 4 Min Read
Insider Threat Risk Assessment: Resources to Assist Businesses

Insider Threat Risk Assessment: Resources to Assist Businesses

Insider threats pose serious risk. SternX provides leading technology and expertise to help businesses implement insider threat risk assessment programs, assess vulnerabilities, monitor for risks, and build robust
30 October 2023
Digital wellbeing 4 Min Read
What is Digital Footprint? Navigating the Web Safely from Hackers 

What is Digital Footprint? Navigating the Web Safely from Hackers 

In today’s digital age, most of us have an online presence that leaves a trail of our activities across the internet – this is known as our digital footprint. Your digital footprint includes everything from your social media posts, online
27 October 2023
Digital wellbeing 6 Min Read
Revolutionizing Cybersecurity: Parental Control App & IT Management Solutions

Revolutionizing Cybersecurity: Parental Control App & IT Management Solutions

Learn how SternX is revolutionizing cybersecurity with parental control and IT management solutions, providing end-to-end digital
21 September 2023
Digital wellbeing 9 Min Read
Future of Digital Security – Everything You Need to Know

Future of Digital Security – Everything You Need to Know

Explore the future of digital security, cybersecurity, zero trust, cloud security, AI and resilience are essential in today's cyber
12 September 2023
Digital wellbeing 12 Min Read
Essential Cybersecurity Tools: Safeguarding Your Digital World 

Essential Cybersecurity Tools: Safeguarding Your Digital World 

Discover essential cybersecurity tools and best practices that all individuals and businesses should adopt to safeguard their digital
29 August 2023
Digital wellbeing 10 Min Read
How to Report Cyberbullying in the UAE

How to Report Cyberbullying in the UAE

Discover how to report cyberbullying in UAE. Equip yourself with knowledge on UAE cyberbullying laws, how to get justice for
24 August 2023
Digital wellbeing 8 Min Read
Digital Security Risk: Overview, Types, and Key Applications

Digital Security Risk: Overview, Types, and Key Applications

Enhance digital security, manage risks effectively with advanced solutions. Protect your business from digital security
22 August 2023
Digital wellbeing 11 Min Read
GRC in Cybersecurity: Governance, Risk, & Compliance

GRC in Cybersecurity: Governance, Risk, & Compliance

GRC is aligning organization's IT systems, risk management compliance strategy. Learn more about GRC and how it relates to
01 August 2023

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